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Das AEIOU-Projekt wird von der Österreichischen Bundesregierung künftig nicht mehr untersützt. Die Server werden deshalb noch im März abgeschaltet.

Ich bin dagegen und für eine Migration der AEIOU-Artikel auf die (vorerst deutsche) Wikipedia.

Ich möchte hiermit auf meinen Wikinews-Artikel und meine Wikimedia-Userpage verweisen, auf der ihr nähere Informationen erhalten könnt und erfahrt, wie ihr mithelfen könntet, AEIOU zu retten!

A couple of weeks ago I walked into Walgreens, one of the pharmacy corporations in the US, and spotted the "DVDs for $3.99" tray.
For I am always curious about DVDs, I walked by, learning that the displayed movies are of such incredibly interesting selection that I do not even remember one name...
However, suddenly one title struck my eye - "Night of the living dead". Indeed it was the original famous 1968 version of the probably first zombie movie ever...Of course I could not resist to look farther into this pile of B-movies and the worst hours Hollywood ever produced, and again I was successful. I uncovered "The cabinet of Dr. Caligari"! I bought both movies at once, not before checking that there was no other bargain left out.
I watched both movies that same evening, stunned by the luck I had. Both movies were on my watchlist for a long time, and of course I was surprised to find them there...
The story even goes on...
Approximately four weeks after this first incident I was at Walgreens again, checking out the "DVDs for $3.99" tray again, disregarding the fact that my chances for such a big hit are probably 1:the number of atoms in the universe.
Probably the universe does not have that many atoms, but what I found was breathtaking: "Nosferatu", digitally restored! Well, they added a soundtrack by "Type 0 Negative", which destroys this great movie with total stupid trash-metal, but since it is a silent movie anyway, I can just mute it...I watched this movie already too, and was delighted...Unfortunately I did not have the chance to watch it at the Sommerkino in the Augarten this summer, since I was already gone at that time...
Now to come to a conclusion, I can report some very nice and recent events...I changend my hostfamily during the holidays, and now I have cable TV. There is one channel solely dedicated to show what is running on other channels, by the way...actually not a bad idea...
Anyway, I happened to discover that Woody Allen's "Sleeper" was to be played on a channel, so I tuned in immediately...This movie has been incredibly delightful now, but it got even better when I heard that after "The Sleeper" they will show "Metropolis"! So now I am watching "Metropolis" here on TV, and I just wanted to share my joy with all of you...
Have fun with a happy new year!

I saw the light. I saw the end. The end of the trilogy (or is it a trilogy?). It even was the first big movie I have ever seen the day it started.
Now, how was it? I will try not to tell anything about the story, because if you want that, you can either go and watch it or ask someone else.
Well, at least it was a lot better than "Reloaded", that is for sure. The story was written better, it had a better curve. The theme(s) were balanced and interesting. Now, when we disregard the nice Stallone-like fighting sequences (dangerous for epilepsy patients), it is a good ending for the trilogy (although the very end of the movie is ridiculous). It closes a circle, and somehow I got the feeling that it was some kind of Yin-Yang principle that directed the Wachowski brothers throughout the whole thing (which is also reflected in the story itself). The fighting scenes were better than in the second part, and the final fight of Neo had some great shots (I just say "Silhouette"). Some other things I liked a lot: Some of the characters developed very well (namely the Frenchmen, although his accent was so fake. But I liked the eyes <--> olives analogy).
This part also got back to the religious/spiritual theme many people found in the first part, and actually developed, enhanced it, I think, although it may not be interpreted that way as well.

One reason why I liked it because was because it met my expectations. And certainly, those expectations were low. I watched it anyway because I think if there is a whole story to be told, it shall be told. So I completed the trilogy (although it might be even more), and life's still fine.

The FM4 review
The official website

"Ich scheiß auf ihren Krieg, und ich scheiß auf ihren Präsidenten"
Snake Plissken - Escape from New York (John Carpenter, 1980)


Sorry das das gar nicht korrekt ist, aber naja...ihr werdet schon sehen.

Private Sub eyes.see (as TVpicture)
if see = starving child, dead people
then Call hand1.switch
End Sub

Private Sub hand1.switch ()
hand1.move To remotecontrol
remotecontrol.switch from "Informative" to RTL2
End Sub

Private Class Informative
Al Jazeera
End Class

Private Sub eye.see (as RTL2)
End Application "Human"
Start Application "Stupid"
End Sub

Fernsehtipp (nachdem ich das heute mit meinem Vater gemeinsam angeschaut habe):
Samstäglich (weiß nicht wie lang das noch geht), 20:15-21:45, ZDF:
Unter Verdacht. Krimiserie, D 2002. Ziemlich cool. Spannende Kameraführung, irgendwie erinnert das ganze an "Twin Peaks", aber halt auf bayrisch (was keine Abwertung bedeutet! Das ist wirklich gut). Sogar Senta Berger ist hier sehr gut...

Arabella Kiesbauer, Bogdan Roscic, Simon Fuller sowieso:
Die Alchimisten unserer Zeit - Wie man aus Scheiße Geld macht


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